I have mindfully practiced the habit of checking the bank balance and credit accounts on a daily basis to guard against theft. There has been an alarming increase in identity thefts/fraudulent use of debit cards in the past few weeks in our neck of the woods. My aunt was a victim. Our bank account is easy to check because we have reduced our debit card use to about 5 transactions (not including bill pay) a month. I'm not kidding.
So yesterday, when I checked my credit card, which carries the biggest, ugliest balance of them all, I was surprised to see that they had increased my credit limit. By A LOT. ummmm... thanks? Don't these people know I am (for all intensive purposes) unemployed?
So I called them up. I politely asked if they would consider reducing my interest rate (19.9%) instead. The lady put me on hold, turned around to consult with her imaginary manager, and then came back and told me 'no'. Really? Even though I've paid over the minimum and on time for over 12 months?? No. You suck, Visa!! But then she gave what she thought was a tantalizing offer: 0% interest for the next 12 months on all new purchases. ooooo. I informed her that this particular deal was of no interest to me because I was not planning on using my card. ever. again. To which I was met with silence..
People, I'll say it again... Debt. is. stupid.
Now I need to brush up on my negotiating skills and call back. And talk to the fictious manager. Because I've been a responsible bill payer. I want my reduced-rate reward. Not more debt.
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